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El equipo de Asesoría Integral Solidaria ahora te ofrece el servicio de traducción de documentos Español - Ingles / English - Spanish.

Vamos a mostrar en un ejercicio sencillo la diferencia que existe entre la traducción lograda con los sistemas automatizados en linea - como por ejemplo Google Traductor - y nuestra traducción humana y profesional. Lo haremos con nuestro artículo modelo "Evolución del paradigma de formación docente en Venezuela"

Evolution of the paradigm of teacher training in Venezuela (Traductor Google)

          The social and political model proposed by governments to achieve the objectives established in the vision of nation or region of nations, is the true mold in which the educational system is embedded, which is conceived as serving the interests of the person who administers it. This idea, as old as civilization, represents the scenario on which the problem of the formation of those who will end up exercising the true influence is exposed, so that this model remains in force: teachers, teachers and teachers. In this sense, Bourdie (cited by Suárez and Rodríguez, 2007) affirms what it is in the teacher training institutions where the internalization by educational action.

In Venezuela the concept of teacher training has followed a simple line of training to achieve in practice the requirements that the social situation demands. This reality is evident in the particular situation of the 1960s, in which the nascent representative democracy achieved a significant increase in student enrollment of 42%, for which it was necessary to implement a condensed, structured and programmatic mechanism that would support the classrooms such growth. In the words of Quintero (2011):

"The teaching-learning process in the initial training follows the technical model which is characterized, according to Matos (2006) for being a technocratic teacher-centered approach, focused on the management of techniques, norms and instrumental knowledge that guarantee the effectiveness in the achievement of objectives "

         When more than 50 years of this phenomenon have passed, and a long sequence of transcendental events, both in Venezuela and in the world, the reality of the concept of formation continues to be the same.
            However, in the middle of what could be called a forced reflexive period, motivated by the overwhelming impact of the new communication and information techniques, which have served as the table for the most devastating process of loss of national identity and values ​​of which have a memory, the Venezuelan educational system is receiving a positive influence from its Latin American neighbors, in order to humanize the school to really reach the soul of the students.     

Evolution of the paradigm of teacher training in Venezuela (Human Translation)

The social and political models presented from the various goverments to achieve the established objectives  of a national or regional visión as a integrated unit is the true cast in which the educational system is inserted in, which is concieved serving the interest of those who adminístrate it. This idea as old as civilization itself represents the scenario on which the formation problema is exposed of those who in the end have the mayor influence for which models remain present: the teachers, profesors and instructors at all levels. In this point, Bourdie (cited by Suarez y Rodriguez 2007) afirm that it is in the (teacher) formation institutions where the interiorization takes place of the future teachers of values and norms for the society that will be manifested later on during their educational activity.

In Venezuela the concept of teacher formation has followed a single line of training to achieve the practical requirements exsisting social conyucture. This reality was evident in the particular situation of the 60s decade in which the emerging representative democracy achieved and important increase in student enrollment of 42%, for which it was necesary implementing a condensed, structured and programatic mecanism that sustained in the classrooms that growth, as stated by Quintero (2011): “The process of Teaching-Learning in the initial formation follows a technisist model that is characterized by Matos (2006) as a profesional, tecnocratic of the teacher, centered in the use of norms and instrumental knowledge to guarantee the efficency in the achievement of the specific goals.”

When 50 years have passed from this phenomena and a large secuence of trascendental situations, in Venezuela as also Worldwide, the reality of the concept of teacher formation continuos being the same,
Never the less, in the middle of what can be called a forced  reflexive period, motivated by the rampant impact of the new comunications and information tecniques that have caused the most devastating process of loss of  national identity and values of which we have memory, the Venezuelan educational system is recieving a positive influence from it´s  Latinamerican neighbors with the purpose of humanizing the schools to really reach the soul of the students.

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